Thursday, February 28, 2013


An addictive app this! A game in which you the player, are represented by the character in the game, who runs, (rather flees), after stealing an idol from a temple. You control the run of the character. Along the way are many obstacles, maneuvers, and prizes but no end. Yes you run endlessly! Am sure most of you have tried your hand at it and will agree on the addiction aspect. Earlier as I attempted to play, the aim was to just run long enough. Even to run for 500 meters was a task. The dexterity of jumping, ducking and turning forget collecting the gold coins along the way, seemed impossible. Just surviving long enough was the deal. The nuggets that you collected on the way were therefore only those that allowed you to survive longer, like the “fast track.” There was no second chance, if you die you die was the law,  in the first version. At times you were so spellbound with the surroundings (the visual effects) that you forgot to run and died!
           Slowly came the dexterity, you could jump, duck, turn, as was required to survive and you did. You had also acquired the art of appropriateness, "jump or duck as required" but keep running. Eventually the aim was to out run your own limits. To bask in that glory of satisfaction. Some also shared their miles and scores on the social media.. Then came the desire to out run not just your own limits, but someone else’s limits too! The war had begun. It was not a war only of the miles, but of gold coins too. You also collected coins on the way because by now you had learnt to survive. With the gold coins you could buy many luxuries (coin magnets) which would further give you gold coins by multiplication. You could also buy many luxuries from the store with the coins, like the look of the character, multiplier etc. You could also buy ‘virtual’ gold with ‘real’ money from the store (thanks to the credit cards and pay pals!)
           Somewhere in between came the second version which was much the same only the visuals were more enchanting. You had probably run yonder and beyond and explored newer lands. The obstacles too were varied and many which increased your chances of succumbing. Hey but you also could now revive your life with gems that you picked on your way. So life now gave you a second chance,……only,…..if you had the gems! At times three or four chances if you had gems in multiples. You also forgot to look at the visuals which had enchanted you earlier!
     So now you run, not just for gold but also for the gems! The nuggets that you now seek/seize too are different than what you started with. They are strategically placed too, besides a cliff, or just before the obstacle.Get tempted jump and succumb. But no harm, don’t you have gems that can revive you?? So run, take as many chances and run.  
        Ha ha ha they have got you by now. Gems, are the cause, and the effect both. By now the miles don’t matter. Outshining your limits doesn’t matter. What matters is the score that you can broadcast, gems and coins that you have collected. Run, die, revive, run, reborn and run . You run, run and run for what,…… rather from what, is obscure by now but you keep running. Ces’t la vie …..if only you had not stolen that apple (oops idol) from the temple! Oh forget, just take the pleasure in running so long as you are alive, because still for some there are ‘miles to go before you sleep”!       

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