was contemplating writing a blog for a long time now. Was not sure about the subject of the blog though, so kept putting it away. Wanted to write on so many subjects at a time from homeopathy to books,places, films diet, so much so that even thought of naming the blog as 'khichadi' crossed my mind....!Many things make you ponder and at times wonder so thought 'perception' would be a good title for the blog, but then that was too heavy a title. Many a times half the things go unnoticed by us let alone perceive! Ultimately decided to just take the plunge and go with the flow.
So come new year and here I am literally with a new page!
Homeopathy definitely would be the soul of the blog. But then its NOT JUST HOMEOPATHY after all...........!
Would like to share the first thought in the new year. Don't know what to call it in just one word? Is it a complete feeling/containment,or gratitude? Gratitude for having people around you whose company you bask in, you love or have that feeling of containment. No din of full blast music, fireworks, intoxicated banter. Actually even that but with a similar chord, because loudest of beat cannot cover the silent humming of the discord within. So life is about similar after all!
When you do strike a chord with someone, something, music happens and you feel peaceful, content, grateful and richest. If you wake with this feeling every day, what more can you ask for?
So heres wishing everyone a happy, glorious and harmonious life ahead.......!